Friday 15 August 2014

Grilled Steak with a Mushroom Sauce & Avocado Pasta Salad

Dinner today is grilled steak with a mushroom sauce, avocado and pasta salad, and chips. This sounds like quite a
Grilled steak with mushroom sauce, salad, & 'healthy' chips.
lengthy process, however, it is not. In fact, it was chosen because I felt particularly lazy, and so I didn't bother cooking earlier, and therefore needed to throw together something quick and delicious for dinner. The steak should be marinated one hour prior to cooking time to allow the flavours to infuse. (My mother always tells me that when making a marinade for steak, vinegar and pepper are essential.) Grilling the steak rather than frying, and cooking the chips in a health fryer ensures that this recipe makes for a somewhat healthy meal (discounting the sauce). On a side note, Aromat is a season-all that is incredibly salty. if you do not own it, simply replace Aromat with salt. you may need slightly more salt though, because, as I have mentioned, Aromat is incredibly salty. The chipotle spice mix can be brought at your local Asda store.


L-R: Vinegar, Aromat, Chipotle,
Mixed peppercorns, Worcester sauce
500g Steak fillet, thinly sliced

3-4 Cloves garlic, crushed with a garlic crush
3tbsp Malt Vinegar
1tsp Chipotle chilli spice mix, finely ground
1tsp Aromat
1tsp Freshly ground peppercorns
Olive oil
Salt to taste

  1. Marinate the steak in a marinade of the above ingredients for at least 1 hour.
  2. Grill until done to your preferred level.
  3. Serve with mushroom sauce, grilled chips, and avocado and pasta salad.
  4. For the avocado and pasta salad, simply add approximately 85g pasta, (cooked to al-dente in salted water) to the salad (recipe here), and omit the dressing.
1 1/2tbsp plain flour
1 1/2tbsp butter
100ml water
284ml/10floz single cream
1 1/2tbsp Worcester sauce/Soy sauce (Optional)
2tsp freshly ground black pepper
Aromat, or salt to taste.
300g fresh mushrooms, thinly sliced.

  1. In a heavy-based saucepan, cook the flour over a low heat until browned slightly.
  2. Add in the butter, and stir thoroughly. the mixture may form lumps.
  3. Whisk in water until the lumps break up and the mixture is smooth and lump-free.
  4. Add in the cream, salt, pepper and Worcester sauce, and cook until the sauce thickens.
  5. Remove from heat and stir in chopped mushrooms. If the sauce becomes too thick, simply add more water.
  6. Serve with the steak.
Here you go! Quick, easy, flavourful, and appetizing! The steak can also be used as sandwich filling, which too is very tasty. On a side note, did you know that 'marinade' technically means 'a mixture of oil, wine, spices, or similar ingredients, in which meat, fish, or other food is soaked before cooking in order to flavour or soften it', whilst 'marinate' means 'soak (meat, fish, or other food) in a marinade.' So technically, you would say 'marinate the steak in the marinade.' Well. I learnt something new today. Or well, clarified something I was unsure about but lets not be picky about details.

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